Written and directed by Jim Capobianco, the Academy Award nominated writer of Pixar hit Ratatouille, The Inventor is a new stop-motion adventure film about the life of Leonardo da Vinci. The insatiably curious and headstrong inventor Leonardo da Vinci leaves Italy to join the French court, where he can experiment freely, inventing flying contraptions, incredible machines, and studying the human body. There, joined in his adventure by the audacious princess Marguerite, Leonardo will uncover the answer to the ultimate question ~ “What is the meaning of it all?
Marion Cotillard (“La Vie en Rose”) is joining Daisy Ridley (“Star Wars”) and Stephen Fry (“Gosford Park”) for the voice cast of “The Inventor,” the forthcoming stop-motion animated family feature about the life of Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci. “The Inventor” is written and directed by Jim Capobianco, the Oscar-nominated scribe of “Ratatouille.”
Star Wars star Daisy Ridley and Brit national treasure Stephen Fry have boarded the voice cast of The Inventor, a feature stop-motion animation about Leonardo da Vinci written and directed by Jim Capobianco, the Oscar-nominated scribe of Ratatouille.
The Inventor was one of the buzzworthy animated feature projects presented at Cartoon Movie this spring, and is set to take part in next week’s Cannes film market.
Jim Capobianco, Tomm Moore
Jim Capobianco
Marion Cotillard, Daisy Ridley, Matt Berry, Stephen Fry